Create your own
streaming career

together with 910inc!

910inc is a global streamer agency that supports streamers
who use live streaming applications.

Why don't you start your own
live streaming career with 910inc?

We offer high pay and the know-how
that comes from working 6 years in the industry
on many projects both nationally and abroad.

ADVANTAGEMerits of being a partner company.

BUSINESSPartner work.

CASE STUDYPartner examples.

ABOUT USWhat is 910inc?

910inc is a comprehensive global live streamer agency that manages streamers with and without virtual avatars,
which was started in 2018 by the VTuber agency Wactor.

Within Japan or abroad,
whether you are a student, part-timer,
stay-at-home mom, or so on.
Regardless of your gender or current profession you can become one of our live streamers.

FLOWEntry process.

APPLICATION FORMApplying for a partner company.

AnyCompany Name
E-mail Address
Telephone Number

※Please provide us with a cellphone number, or a number that we can reach you on during business hours.

Has live streamer management experience

Agreements made by applying.